Iguana results ontology 2020/09/18 2024/03/20 The Iguana results ontology explains the rdf results of an Iguana benchmark. Iguana results ontology 4.0.0 iont:Connection A Connection represents a benchmarked endpoint. iont:Connection Connection iont:Dataset A Dataset represents the dataset used for a benchmarked endpoint. iont:Dataset Dataset iont:ExecutedQuery An ExecutedQuery is a query which was executed one or more times against a Connection using either one Worker or the aggregation of several ExecutedQueries which are assigned to a Task. It provides several Metric results. The ExecutedQuery is assigned to a worker or a Task. iont:ExecutedQuery ExecutedQuery iont:Metric A Metric is the abstract class providing a result metric. iont:Metric Metric iont:Query A Query is the query string of a given query (most likely a sparql query) together with a collection of statistics. The query is Suite independent. iont:Query Query iont:QueryExecution A QueryExecution is the single execution of a query against a Connection. iont:QueryExecution QueryExecution iont:ResponseBody The ResponseBody represents the response body of an executed query. iont:ResponseBody ResponseBody iont:Stresstest The Stresstest Task benchmarks a system by stresstesting it. iont:Stresstest Stresstest iont:Suite A suite is a collection of benchmarks. iont:Suite Suite iont:Task Abstract class for various tasks. iont:Task Task iont:Worker A Worker is a thread that executes a set of queries against a Connection. It simulates a user. iont:Worker Worker Aggregated Execution Statistics. AES Metric Average Queries Per Second. AvgQPS Metric Each query execution statistics. EachQuery Metric Number of successfully executed Queries. NoQ Metric Number of Queries Per Hour. NoQPH Metric Penalized Average Queries Per Second. PAvgQPS Metric Penalized Queries Per Second. PQPS Metric Query Mixes Per Hour. QMPH Metric Queries Per Second Metric. QPS Metric iprop:AvgQPS The average number of queries answered successfully per second value. iprop:AvgQPS AvgQPS iprop:ID ID iprop:ID The numeric query ID. iprop:NoQ The number of successfully executed queries value iprop:NoQ NoQ iprop:NoQPH The number of queries per hour value. iprop:NoQPH NoQPH iprop:QMPH The query mixes per hour value iprop:QMPH QMPH iprop:QPS The queries per second value. iprop:QPS QPS iprop:bindings The number of bindings the query received. iprop:bindings bindings iprop:code The result code of the execution of a query. iprop:code code iprop:connection Assigns a Connection to a Worker. iprop:connection connection iprop:dataset Assigns a Dataset to a Connection. iprop:dataset dataset iprop:endDate The date and time at which the Task or Worker ended. iprop:endDate endDate iprop:exception The exception, if any occurred, during the execution of the query or the processing of its response body. iprop:exception exception iprop:executionTook The time duration of the execution of a query. iprop:executionTook executionTook iprop:failed The number of failed executions of the ExecutedQuery. iprop:failed failed iprop:fullID The full query ID consists of the hashcode of its query handler and the query's id inside of the query handler in this format: <queryhandler_hashg;:<id>. iprop:fullID fullID iprop:httpCode The http response code of the query execution. iprop:httpCode httpCode iprop:metric Annotates a Task, Worker or ExecutedQuery with a Metric. The Metric itself is provided using the Property, this just annotates the subject to provide these results. iprop:metric metric iprop:noOfQueries The number of queries assigned to the worker. iprop:noOfQueries noOfQueries iprop:noOfQueryMixes The number of query mixes a Worker has to execute. iprop:noOfQueryMixes noOfQueryMixes iprop:noOfWorkers The number of Workers the stresstest utilized. iprop:noOfWorkers noOfWorkers iprop:penalizedAvgQPS The average number of queries answered successfully per second value using the penaltyQPS. iprop:penalizedAvgQPS penalizedAvgQPS iprop:penalizedQPS The queries per second value where failed queries are rated using a penalty (default is the timeOut of a Task). iprop:penalizedQPS penalizedQPS iprop:query Assigns an ExecutedQuery to a Worker or Task. The ExecutedQuery provides further metrics and statistics. iprop:query query iprop:queryExecution Assigns a QueryExecution to an ExecutedQuery. iprop:queryExecution queryExecution iprop:queryID Assigns a Query and its statistics, as well as the string of the query to an ExecutedQuery. iprop:queryID queryID iprop:responseBody Assigns a ResponseBody to a QueryExecution. iprop:responseBody responseBody iprop:responseBodyHash The hashcode of the response body. iprop:responseBodyHash responseBodyHash iprop:resultSize The result size of a ExecutedQuery. iprop:resultSize The result size of the query's response body. The value is -1 if there wasn't any response body received. iprop:resultSize resultSize iprop:results The number of results the query received. iprop:results results iprop:run The number of execution for this query. iprop:run run iprop:startDate The date and time at which the Task or Worker started. iprop:startDate startDate iprop:succeeded The number of succeeded executions of the ExecutedQuery. iprop:succeeded succeeded iprop:success If the query has been successful or not. iprop:success success iprop:task Assigns a Task to an Suite. iprop:task task iprop:timeLimit The time limit after which a Worker stops its execution of queries. iprop:timeLimit timeLimit iprop:timeOut The timeout set for this worker. iprop:timeOut timeOut iprop:timeOuts The number of failed executions of the ExecutedQuery whereas the Reason was a time out iprop:timeOuts timeOuts iprop:totalTime The summed up execution time of all executions of the ExecutedQuery in milliseconds. iprop:totalTime totalTime iprop:unknownExceptions The number of failed executions of the ExecutedQuery whereas the Reason was unknown. iprop:unknownExceptions unknownExceptions iprop:variable A variable that the query contains. iprop:variable variable iprop:version Version of the triplestore tested. iprop:version version iprop:workerID The worked ID assigned to the worker iprop:workerID workerID iprop:workerResult Assigns a Worker to an Task. (mostly a Stresstest) iprop:workerResult workerResult iprop:workerType The worker class name. iprop:workerType workerType iprop:wrongCodes The number of failed executions of the ExecutedQuery whereas the Reason was a wrong result code (e.g 400) iprop:wrongCodes wrongCodes